• Servizi e tecnologie per il Cash Management bancario

BCM Technology




The purpose of BCM™ technology is to guarantee to the Bank an optimised dynamic management in outsourcing of the cash logistics. The software portrays any outstanding amount present at any given moment at each site, predicting with precision the necessary subsidy and directing the transfer where it is needed to ensure balance.

The balance of the channels where the cash circulates (ATM network, Branches, Stand Alone ATMs) is achieved through a circular mechanism that assigns functionality groups to every cash point, identifying in the external vaults of CIT companies the supply and deposit of liquidity, until ending the cycle at the Central Bank.


  • Instantaneous reports
  • Real time use of information for operational purposes
  • Interconnection with the Bank's Head Office
  • Forecasting of needs
  • History analysis of financial statements
  • Deeply integrated with the bank accounting flow
  • ATM usage data base
  • CIT compliance report


BCM™ (Branch Cash Management) is a web application developed by Hermes Solution using Asp, JavaScript and HTML5 language on DB Microsoft SqlServer. Installed on a Server / Internet Information Server, BCM™ software can be used through any web browser without needing local installation, both via Local Area Networks and the World Wide Web.

BCM can be customised, installed on a Cloud Server or locally on a server provided and set up for the system's needs, and can interact and integrate with any management or third-party software (data exchange, data reading, etc...).