CST, with its highly qualified staff, executes the administrative management of the entire cycle of transferred cash on ATMs/BNAs, TACR/CICO cashiers and Stand Alone ATMs/BNAs, and undertakes executive functions of the Bank's Head Office and accounting functions for third parties while operating according to a pre-emptively agreed SLA.
Through BCM™ software, the Accounting department has daily supervision and continuous control of IN/OUT cash flow for the ATM network that coordinates in perfect autonomy, while keeping in communication with the Head Office of the Bank.
The daily cash dispensed/deposited is imported by the software each night. Once having balanced and recapitulated the cash flow of each branch, maintaining separate accounting of pick-ups and deposits/payments, the system highlights and calculates the alleged counterfeit banknotes for the Bank of Italy and determines the remaining stock of each cashier.
Basato su tecnologie all'avanguardia, il nuovo software RCM consente di incrementare i benefici della funzione ricircolo degli ATM Self Serv di nuova generazione, registrando tutti i flussi di cash in e cash out realizzati e verificando la quadratura tra fisicità riscontrata e somma algebrica delle movimentazioni contabili generate.
The next day, CST, with the operator in charge, carries out a precise validation of the previous 24 hours of operation. After arranging the daily accounting reports (analytical and consolidated) related to the entire fleet of ATMs/Branches on national territory, also with non-Euro currency, the final balance is communicated directly through the general accounting data flow of the Bank.
All the accounting elaboration and the handling statistics are then published clearly on the portal for consultation, in a channel reserved to accredited personnel only.